The Parenting Code Blog

Raise Amazing Kids

Grab These Free Christmas Tunes from Amazon

Last year I found a blog post where an awesome woman had pointed out a whole pile of absolutely free Christmas music available at Amazon.

I emailed the link out to my subscribers and everyone loved having access to it. Hey, you can’t beat free, right? I don’t mind paying for great music, but I’ll always be more than happy to save some money to stuff my kids’ Christmas stockings just a bit more.

Anyway, I just checked this morning and sure enough you can still get a ton of free music for the holiday season.

I sorted the music by price so the free stuff shows up at the top.

Here’s the link to Free Christmas Music.

I also noticed something called 25 days of free , which is a free Christmas song every day in December up until the 25th. So you might want to go back daily to grab the current freebie.

SEE ALSO: This audio lesson will forever change the way you interact with your kids.